West Texas Professional Training

Lubbock, TX

Immersive, hands-on training to start your new career today!

We train Dental Assistants & Medical Assistants in a fraction of the time it takes to graduate from a college!

Ever wonder why some programs take so long, and are so expensive, why isn’t there a better option? There is! Our programs give you exactly what’s needed. We are run by the best in the business, with a primary focus on students success through our real world approach to the medical and dental community. Our instructors are friendly and professional, and can’t wait to help you in your journey!

Come see what sets us apart, and join our network of incredible staff in West Texas.

Our Training Courses:

Dental Assisting

Learn how to take care of patients clinically and professionally. From taking a patient into the dental chair, and each procedure of dentistry, with our dental assisting training, you will learn how to become a patient care provider.

Medical Assisting

Our CCMA Medical Assisting program is hands-on training and learning in just seven weeks! Tues-Th convenient night classes & clinics, affordable tuition, and career focused.

Frequently Answered Questions

Got questions about our courses and training outcomes?

We have answered them for you!